Shot list
0:00 Pebble "Blink" Animation
Design : Sébastien Poilroux
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
Design : Sébastien Poilroux
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
0:02 Friendship
Personal project
Design : Sébastien Poilroux
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
Personal project
Design : Sébastien Poilroux
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
0:04 Axel Dangerson
School of Motion
Animation Bootcamp Final assignment
Design : School of Motion
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
School of Motion
Animation Bootcamp Final assignment
Design : School of Motion
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
0:07 Motion Practice
Ben Marriott
Motion Practice Course assignments
Design : Ben Marriott
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
Ben Marriott
Motion Practice Course assignments
Design : Ben Marriott
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
0:14 Run Cycle
School of Motion
Character Animation Bootcamp assignment
Design : School of Motion
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
School of Motion
Character Animation Bootcamp assignment
Design : School of Motion
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
0:16 The Repairman
School of Motion
Character Animation Bootcamp assignment
Design : School of Motion
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
School of Motion
Character Animation Bootcamp assignment
Design : School of Motion
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
0:17 Illustrations
School of Motion
Illustration for Motion assignments
Design : Sébastien Poilroux
School of Motion
Illustration for Motion assignments
Design : Sébastien Poilroux
0:19 Spaceship
School of Motion
Animation Bootcamp assignment
Design : Sébastien Poilroux
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
School of Motion
Animation Bootcamp assignment
Design : Sébastien Poilroux
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
0:20 Pull!
Personal project
Design : Sébastien Poilroux
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
Personal project
Design : Sébastien Poilroux
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
0:21 Jump!
School of Motion
Character Animation Bootcamp assignment
Design : School of Motion
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
School of Motion
Character Animation Bootcamp assignment
Design : School of Motion
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
0:22 Kind Pebble Logo
Design : Sébastien Poilroux
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux
Design : Sébastien Poilroux
Animation : Sébastien Poilroux